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Leadership Suite 

Image by Austin Distel
Performance Management


As you know a big piece in being a great manager is having the right conversations with your employees throughout the year. Most employees don’t fail at their job because they don’t care, most fail because expectations have not been set and performance discussions are not taking place.

It’s a continuous process of providing feedback, setting or realigning performance objectives and departmental goals, and making sure that you are recognizing and rewarding performance. Piece of cake, right? Wrong, it’s hard work to do with each and every employee that you have. As you are aware, every person is unique and your approach needs to be tailored when having those important discussions.

We have broken down each step for you in this workshop so that you can do your job with a little more ease, confidence and drive the right performance.

Job Interview
Hiring the Right Talent

Have you ever wasted time, money and resources by hiring the wrong person for a position? I think we all can say yes to that question. You spend so much time training and mentoring a new hire and don’t forget the amount of time it takes a new hire to become knowledgeable enough so that they can do the actual job they were hired for. After all of this you find out that they are not the right person for the position.

It all starts with hiring the right person, with the right attributes and behavior to be part of your organization. Selecting the right candidate for the position is one of the most effective ways we have for navigating the organization toward its corporate goals so why not do it right the first time around.

In this session we discuss how you find the right person with having an interview that is informative and unveils if the candidate has what is needed for the job. We offer you some insightful questions that will drive the right conversation and practice interviewing together.

Business Meeting
Courageous Conversations


So we've all seen this situation play out...You have this one employee who is always so difficult to provide feedback to. They always have a rebuttal to anything you say, they blame everyone else or they just blame you and they bring up someone else's issues to divert from having the conversation.

So what are your options.....Let's see, you can try and place them into another department so there someone else problem (we've all seen that play out), you can ignore them and avoid the conversation or you can try the performance management route.

Let us help you with those difficult conversations so you can have them confidently and earlier which will only result in a happier employee and manager!

Image by The Creative Exchange
Creative Thinking


Our days are full and it seems like there's always a fire to put out. We want to share different methods that will help you increase the richness of ideas explored, which means that you can often find better solutions to the problems you face. 

All companies and positions benefit by looking for new and creative ways to be either for efficient or effective. In this session you will be able to work in a free and open environment that encourages everyone to participate. You will be able to spark new and creative ideas and learn and informal approach to problem solving.


All you need to bring is an open mind and we will bring the fun and useful techniques that you can start using immediately in the workplace.

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